Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779

Welcome to the Year 4 webpage

On this page, you will find information about Year 4.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to speak to the class teacher.

Alternatively, you can contact school via email:

Year 4 Teaching Staff:

Miss H. Fenton (4F) 

Mr. A. French (4Fr)

Y4 Teaching Assistants: 

Mr. A. Constantinou

Y4 Long Term Plan 

Below is our long term plan for all subjects. This shows the topics that will we cover across each half term. 


In English, this half-term, we will be studying the book 'Where the Forest Meets the Sea' by Jeannie Baker. We will be writing for a range of purposes to different audiences using ideas from the story. You can find out more about how we teach English and maths on the curriculum area of the website.


This half term, we will be learning about bridges. We will be finding out different bridges and how they are constructed. We will find out about their differences and similartities and the engineers that built them. We will use what we learn to try to build our own bridges. We will be thinking carefully about different forces and materials.

In science, and geography we will also be learning about the water cycle. We'll be thinking about how water changes state to move around. We will find out about where rain, snow and sleet come from - and where they go to.


This term, we will be learning about rivers. We will find out about key rivers in the UK and around the world. We will find out about parts of a river and how they are formed. We will be learning about how rivers change as they flow along their course and how humans use and change rivers - and how rivers change themselves.

You can start your own research into the rivers by visiting the BBC website. To find it, you can just click on the Bitesize image below and a new page will open.

You can also learn more by visiting the Canal and Rivers Trust website. You can click the link below.

Homework Menu

As part of our wider curriculum, children can also choose to complete homework from our homework menu (see below). Complete one, several or all of the tasks. The homework is optional; however, completing homework will allow children to take their learning further and share it with you at home. Once any tasks have been completed please bring them into school for us to look at or share with the class.


Reading is an essential part of the curriculum and opens up many other curriculum areas. We expect children to read at least three times a week at home. Some children may choose to read independently, which is completely fine, but it is also helpful for adults to check children understand the vocabulary within the text and understand the content of what they are reading.   

Times tables

Children need to spend time at home practising their times tables. Children can prepare for the times table challenge and aim to achieve their best times. Don't forget to visit the Times Tables Rock Stars website to help them practise their tables and earn coins to promote their band! It is their challenge this year to top the leader board and help their band to win the Battle of the Bands.

MTC (Multiplication Tables Check)

The children in Y4 will be completing a Multiplication Table Check in June. You can find out more information about the MTC below our homework menu. 


These are the list of statutory words that children need to be able to read and spell by the end of Year 4. The moreyou practise the more you will know! You could practise these words at home by handwriting them, asking an adult to test you or using some of the spelling strategies we have learnt in school.

Other Useful Information


 Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. uniform on PE days. 

Indoor Kit = plain white t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and suitable shoes (pumps or trainers)

Outdoor Kit = tracksuit bottoms and warm jacket and shoes suitable for the outdoors (trainers)


Please remember that no jewellery should be worn and earrings MUST be removed by children before P.E. Long hair also needs to be tied back.


This website has a good range of free games to practise phonics and decoding skills.

This has a good range of games which support your child’s spelling and grammar skills.

This is a fun and competitive way for your child to learn their times tables. Look out for new competitions and challenges. Try to top your class leader board.