Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S25 2QZ

01909 550779

Anston Park Junior School

The Year 3 Teaching Staff: 
Miss. K. Harvey

Mrs. E. Allen (4 days)

Mrs. B. Drake (1 day)

 Teaching Assistants:

Mrs. K. Cliff (2 days)

Mrs. C. Parkinson (3 days)

Here is the overview of learning for Year 3 for this year.  You can find out more about maths, reading and English lessons on the their curriculum pages. If you have any questions about any of the areas of learning, please contact your child's class teacher.

This half term we will be making the most of writing opportunities linked to the picture book called 'Seal Surfer' by Michael Foreman.



This half-term we will be learning about the Stone Age. We will be finding out about the 3 parts of the Stone Age and how people lived during this period of history.  We will learn about  diet, houses, communication and tools as well as key developments throughout the Stone Age.

We will learn about the landmarks Stonehenge and Skara Brae and what they tell us about Stone Age life.


 This half term we are learning about animals including humans. We will consider these key questions;

Why do we eat?
What is a balanced diet?
Why is a balanced diet important?
What is a skeleton?
Do all animals have a skeleton?
What are muscles?

You can start your learning journey about skeletons by watching the short clip on the website below. It might help you think of some questions you would like to ask:


Have a look at the Eatwell Plate. We will be learning about how each food group helps us and the importance of a balanced diet.



Below is the homework menu for this half term. Have a look at the options. Some might take a few minutes and some might take longer - it's up to you.  If you need any resources or you need any of the tasks explaining, please ask your teacher. Remember, some of the tasks might take longer than a week. If you complete them all, ask your teacher for more ideas. 

Remember to read at home at least three times a week


Don't forget to keep learning the words on our word list too! You can find the Statutory words under the Homework Menu.


Please ensure that your child comes to school in their P.E. uniform on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Indoor Kit = plain white t-shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms and suitable shoes (pumps or trainers)

Outdoor Kit = tracksuit bottoms and warm jacket and shoes suitable for the outdoors (trainers)


Please remember that no jewellery should be worn and earrings MUST be removed by children before P.E. Long hair also needs to be tied back.

Useful Websites:

This is a new website introduced just before half term. This is a fun and competitive way for your child to learn their times tables. Look out for new competitions and challenges!