Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779

Virtual Office


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What time does school start and end?

A. The children line up on their appropriate place for example Y4 (except 4F) -Y6 on the main school playground at 8:50am. If your child is in Y3 and 4F they will line up on the smaller playground near their classrooms. The children are collected by their class teacher and register is completed at 8:55-9:00am.


Q.  What do I do if my child is late to school?

A.  If your child is late for school, even by a few minutes, it is vital that you bring your child through the front door and sign them via the electronic signing in system  This is not just so that we can monitor punctuality, but is essential for fire safety and security. It will also ensure that they order their lunch which has to be done before 9:30am if a hot dinner is required. The school does monitor the children who are persistently late and letters will be sent out to discuss this matter further with the Learning Mentor.


Q. How do I report my child's absence from school?

A. Please telephone the school on 01909 550779 as soon as possible and on each day of your child’s absence from school; we have a dedicated answering service where you can leave a message.  It is very important that you let us know your child’s symptoms so that we can monitor any possible epidemics. If there is no explanation for your child's absence, a courtesy text message or phone call will be made.


Q. How much does school dinner money cost?

A. It's £2.15 per day or £10.75 per week.  All money must be paid via our electronic system sim's pay, cash will not be accepted in school. The school office will issue you with account details.  The school has a 4 choice menu, your child can select which days they have school meals on.


Q.  How can I buy school uniform?

A. Uniform can be purchased through Tesco online or via local shops where uniform is in stock.

All children will receive a complimentary book bag on Y3. However, if you child loses it a replacement can be purchased from the school office. 


Q. Can I take my child out of school for a holiday during term time?

A. No holiday will be authorised during term time except for exceptional circumstances. Any absences (other than through illness) will be recorded as unauthorised and you may incur a fixed penalty fine.


Q. How do I apply for a place in your school for my child?

A. For in year admissions you will need to contact the Admissions Team at RMBC


Q. How will I be informed if there is an enforced school closure?

A. We use Teacher2Parents to contact all parents; please ensure you keep your account updated with current email addresses and contact numbers. You can also check RMBC website and our school website for updates. We will do our best to stay open and will inform parents as soon as we can.


Q. What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?

A. Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary. Only medicines prescribed or recommneded by a doctor can be administered by the child at school.  Antibiotic doses that are administered 3 times a day should be given before and after school and at bedtime. If the medicine is required 4 times a day please ask in the office for staff and children will be supervised taking their medicine, also a medical form will need to completed. Medication will need to be in its original box with the label clearly visible.  Children with asthma, keep their medication on them at all times to ensure that they are accessible to the children when needed.


Q. How long before my child can return to school after an illness?

A. In the case of vomiting your child should be well for 48 hours before they return to school.  If you are unsure please call us.


Q. What do I do if I need to see a teacher?

A. Teachers are normally available for brief enquiries before school on the playground when they collect their class . If you need a longer appointment, please contact your child's teacher or the office staff who will be happy to arrange this for you.