Anston Park Junior School

Anston Park Junior School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Park Avenue, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S25 2QZ

01909 550779

Phase 5

In this phase children are introduced to new graphemes for reading.

They will also be looking at alternative graphemes that make the same sound that they will have already learnt.  For example, in phase 3 children learned the 'ai' sound as in 'rain.' In this phase, children will learn that a phoneme can be represented by different graphemes e.g. 'ai' as in 'rain' and 'ay' as in 'play' or 'a-e' as in 'make.'



Here are the graphemes for this phase. Underneath, you can download flashcards for each to practise reading with your child.



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Below you can find the phase 5 reading word lists to practise:


Below, you can find the high frequency words taught at this stage:


Below are some activities that you can use to consolidate the learning for this phase:

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